Leapers - supporting our work.
For more than five years,
we've been supporting the mental health
of freelancers and the self-employed.
Since 2017, Leapers has established itself as the authoritative voice leading the conversation and action on the topic of mental health within self-employment. Our work has improved awareness and access to support for the mental health for freelancers:
- We've helped over 200,000 people looking for community, resources and guidance through the experience of self-employment, to work well and take care of their mental health.
- Our award winning community connects over 5000 people, where you can ask for advice, share little wins, and check-in with each other.
- Our research informs our work which has helped people tackle common and hidden issues including isolation, late payments, dealing with conflict, ghosting, navigating quiet periods and more.
- Our insight and commentary have been widely published across platforms like Forbes, The Guardian, Channel 5, Sky News, BBC, YunoJuno, Worksome, Raconteur, Simply Business, IPSE, Courier and Mail Online, as well as countless clients and fellow communities.
- Our Chief Freelance Officer has lead and supported panels and advisory groups for the UK Government, industry sector charities, leading mental health organistions, and self-employment platforms and collectives, as well as at numerous industry talks and events.
Our work is available for free to individuals - because mental health support must be as accessible as possible.
Yet, in financially challenging times, running the project is not possible without financial support. We're hoping to find sustainable revenue streams over time - but for now we're asking for support from anyone who has found Leapers valuable.
63% of the self-employed don't feel they have good support for their mental health at work. Supporting our project helps us to help others who might not yet have the support they need. You've already found Leapers - help other freelancers find and access that support too.
Your support will help us to:
- Cover hard costs, such as hosting, email, domains, software licenses to run the community and host our content and resources.
- Invest more in leading the community, creating content and resources, running our research, and work spent on our impact and advocacy work.
- Pay fellow freelancers, such writers and mental health specialists, to help us create more tangible support and resources.
In addition, as a paying subscriber, you'll get additionally get:
- An exclusive Leapers Supporters Mug (just like the emoji!)
- A Digital Pin to display on your website/socials
- Add yourself as a Leapers Supporter on LinkedIn
- Early or discounted access to any new products and services we develop in the future.
- Supporters newsletter, sharing the impact of your support.
Supporter Tiers
Individual Supporter: We've priced donations from £8/month - which is less than a cup of a coffee each week. If you feel Leapers has given you more value than a cup of coffee, we invite you to support the future of the project.
We know that this level of financial support is not possible for many currently, and we only ask that you make a donation if you're feel you're currently in good financial health. This does not point towards a future where Leapers is a paid community. Our resources and content will always be free, and our community will always be accessible to anyone in self-employment.
If you've found Leapers valuable, help others find its value too.
If you're not able to support Leapers financially, you are still a valued member of our community through your active involvement in the project. Other ways to support our work are to tell fellow freelancers about us, encourage your employers to support us directly through the corporate tier, or invite us in to their organisations to support their freelancers directly.
Thank you.
Chief Freelance Officer, Leapers.
Support our project, help our work reach more freelancers and the self-employed.